**Part 1 Create a New Project in Keil uVision IDE** **Instagram: [@klinikarduino](https://www.instagram.com/klinikarduino/)** **Facebook: [@klinikarduino](https://web.facebook.com/klinikarduino)** **by [Erwin Setiawan](https://yohanes-erwin.github.io/)**
**[STM32F103 SPL Tutorial](../index.html)**
STM32F103 =========================== STM32F103 is an STMicroelectronics’s 32-bit microcontroller based on the ARM Cortex-M3 processor. The processor clock speed is up to 72MHz. It has 64 Kbytes of flash memory and 20 Kbytes of SRAM. There are several development boards for this microcontroller available on the market. In this tutorial, I will use this development board. It has 40 pins that fit into breadboard. It has 2× 12-bit ADCs, 7× timers, and Up to 9 communication interfaces (3× USART, 2× I2C, 2× SPI, 1× CAN, 1× USB). ![](stm32f103.jpg width=300px) ST-Link v2 and Keil uVision5 =========================== ST-Link v2 is an in-circuit debugger and programmer for the STM8 and STM32 microcontroller families. There are 2 types of ST-Link, the original version and the clone version. For the IDE, I will use Keil uVision5. The evaluation version of Keil uVision5 has 32 Kbytes code limitation, but for learning purpose it is enough. You can download Keil uVision5 for MDK ARM from [here](https://www.keil.com/download/product/). After that, you have to download MDK5 Software Packs (libraries) for this microcontroller from [here](https://www.keil.com/dd2/pack/). ![](st-link.jpg width=600px) Create a New Project =========================== Before you can create a new project in Keil, you must install the Software Packs. You can install it by clicking **Pack Installer** icon on toolbar. In the **Pack Installer** dialog you can select menu **File → Import**, and then select the Software Pack (the .pack file). ![](install-pack.jpg width=600px) To create a new project, go to **Project → New uVision Project**, give a name for that project, and then select your microcontroller (STM32F103C8). After that, you can select which peripheral library that you want to use, then click the **Resolve** button. ![](select-library.png width=600px) Build the Project =========================== In the project window, you can rename the **Target 1** and **Source Group 1** folder to **STM32F103C8** and **Source** respectively. Right click on **Source** folder then click **Add New Item to Group** menu. Select the .c file and give a name for that file (for example main.c). You can write your code in main.c file. You can build the project by clicking **Build** icon from toolbar or press **F7**. Your **Built Output** should contain zero error. ![](main-window.png width=700px) Download the Code =========================== After you build the project successfully, then you can download the code into the microcontroller. To do that, you need to configure the ST-Link settings by clicking **Options for Target** icon. In the **Debug** tab, select ST-Link Debugger and click **Settings** button. Set the properties in **Cortex-M Target Driver Setup** dialog like this: ![](st-link-settings-1.png width=600px) Check the **Reset and Run** option, so the microcontroller will run the program after the download process finished. If you not check this option, then you have to press the reset button to run the program. ![](st-link-settings-2.png width=600px) After the settings for ST-Link have been configured properly, you can start flash the microcontroller, by pressing **Download** icon from toolbar. You can also debug the program from menu **Debug → Start/Stop Debug Session**.